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The competition in the wooden door industry is fierce. How can the door enterprises win the market?
Release time:2018-8-28 14:33:08      Number of clicks:1010

With the continuous development of the wooden door market, the stronger the stronger and the weaker the weaker, this means that the number of brands in the wooden door industry will not continue to grow. Only the distinctive and powerful wooden door brands can survive, although the wooden door industry is highly competitive. However, because the wooden door products are rigid demand products, there will be no disruptive changes in the entire wooden door market. Whether it is a big brand or a small brand, whether it is focusing on high-end routes or focusing on low-end products, enterprises are expanding their business and expanding their brands. We must proceed from our own conditions, constantly improve ourselves and improve brand characteristics.

In the short-term, the rigid demand for furniture in the wooden door market is still very large. The most affected by the property market regulation is the middle-income group. Therefore, the high-end products of famous brands are affected little by the regulation; from the perspective of the development of the industry, the Chinese wooden door industry is In the middle of growth, the market will continue to rise steadily for a long time in the future; as the country increases the construction of affordable housing, the demand for low-end wooden doors will gradually increase. In order to cope with the market, there are several wooden door group purchase direct sales activities in the wooden door market almost every month. The merchants use various means to stimulate the market to stimulate consumption, and the means are varied. Under the efforts of various wooden door enterprises and merchants, the price of wooden doors finally kept steady in the first half of the year. However, the good times are not long. Due to the shortage of solid wood raw materials and the difficulty of importing, the price of solid wood doors will be heard in the second half of the year. Many industry insiders expect that small and medium-sized wooden doors will gradually lose market share due to tight supply and limited cost. It will be more difficult to survive next year. The development of the wooden door industry faces four major challenges.

Wooden door added value

The rise in raw materials, store rents, and per capita wages has made the price increase of wooden doors inevitable. At the same time, even if the price increase of solid wood doors does not reduce the market demand, the wooden door enterprises still need to improve production efficiency, strengthen process supervision, reduce the rework rate and the unqualified rate, thus reducing the comprehensive cost of production; at the same time, facing the raw materials. As the price rises, the wooden door enterprise can flexibly adjust the procurement plan to minimize the impact of rising costs; and increase the added value of the wooden door to attract the target group by means of producing new products and brand image, and alleviate the contradiction of price increase.

Store rent rise

In addition, the continuous increase in store rents has also put pressure on wooden door companies and dealers. The author interviewed several heads of large-scale home furnishing markets in various stores in Changsha. They all said that the rents of the stores at the current stage are indeed rising, and compared with other places, the rents in Changsha are not expensive, including Red Star Macalline. In many home stores, including the home, the monthly rent is less than 200 yuan / square meter, and in the major department stores, the monthly rent of 300 yuan / square meter is the normal price.

Although the rent of the store has been rising, but its influence is still unmatched by other channels, which is one of the important reasons why some wooden door sellers still do not withdraw from the store despite the poor sales at this stage.

Raw material rose

There are many types of solid wood doors on the market, and oak is currently popular. But since this year, imported oak raw materials have been rising in price, compared with 15-20% increase in the same period last year, the price increase of oak has become inevitable; since the price of rosewood decreased slightly last year, starting this year, mahogany The price has soared. Compared with the previous year, the rosewood rose by more than 30%. The shortage of mahogany raw materials also caused the price of mahogany door to rise. Some people even predicted that the mahogany door would become a collectible in the future.

The rising prices of raw materials have increased the cost of wooden door products, and the chain reaction caused by the soaring price of wood is far more than the price increase of household consumer goods such as terminal wooden doors.

Solid wood demand rose

Many people in the industry are speculating: In the face of today's cold market, will the price of solid wood doors increase the price of cold water in the market? However, the facts show that although the price of solid wood doors has been rising, the market demand is still hot. Due to the rising status of solid wood doors in the domestic wooden door market, the market share is large, even if the price rises, it will not lose the market. This is also related to people's consumption level and consumption concept. Nowadays, installing solid wood doors at home is not only a symbol of economic strength. It is also the embodiment of taste and status. The rise in wages also gives consumers a higher consumption power, and the market capacity of solid wood doors will not be lowered due to price increases.

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